Improving Your Automobile

Improving Your Automobile

A Few Important Things to Remember When Buying a Refrigerated Van for Your Business

Addison Morris

Refrigerated vans can be necessary for a variety of businesses, from flower delivery to ice cream sales or other cold food item sales. They're also usually legally required for those who transport cold or frozen foods, pharmaceutical products of all sorts or any type of product that needs to stay fresh during transit. When you are ready to invest in a refrigerated van, note a few factors to remember so you are sure to choose the best type for your needs.

Weight of frozen items

A refrigerated van, like all vehicles, will have a maximum weight capacity that you need to consider. The van may have a stronger chassis and suspension to accommodate the added weight of your items that you'll be hauling, but you still need to note this overall weight capacity, especially when transporting anything frozen. Remember that frozen foods and other items have ice clinging to them, and this ice can be heavy. You also need to remember the weight of dry ice or other coolants, and the weight of any freezers or additional equipment you may be adding to the back of the van. Be sure you choose a van that can handle all that added weight.


When transporting certain items in a refrigerated van, you may need separate compartments or freezers for them. You may be legally obligated to separate meat from produce, even if both items are frozen. You may also want to organize food items you'll be selling to make them easier to find when you have customers. Make a list of all the separate compartments or freezers you'll need and shop for a van with these already added, or ensure that there is enough room in the cargo area for them to be retrofitted.

Solid compartment

Many refrigerated vans will be constructed with one solid compartment in the back, and this can make it easier to clean and also easier to pass inspections. If you choose a van with a cargo area that has separate sections that are put together with connections, bacteria and germs can settle into the areas between those connected pieces. An inspector may test those areas for contaminants when your van is inspected, and if you haven't cleaned them properly, you may face fines or even lose your business license. Consider investing in a cargo area with one solid piece for easier cleaning and better bacteria-fighting properties.


2017© Improving Your Automobile
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Improving Your Automobile

Yo! I would like to offer you a warm welcome to my blog. My name is Lauren and I would like to dedicate this blog to useful information about improving your automobile. When I was growing up, I always dreamed of owning my own car and driving around the city. However, when the day came to purchase my first car, I realised just how expensive a new auto can be! I bought a second-hand car and then set about working on it to improve how it. I taught myself how to change the oil and tune the engine. I also accessorised the car so it looks great. I hope you enjoy my blog.
