Improving Your Automobile

Improving Your Automobile

Tips to Prepare Your Mercruiser For Winter

Addison Morris

Taking time out to get your boat ready for its winter layoff will make sure you're all set to go when spring comes around again. Here are some top tips to get your Mercruiser ready for winter.

Ask a good Mercruiser mechanic to deal with any issues you come across before you put your boat away for the winter; they won't fix themselves before the spring. You should always have an experienced Mercruiser mechanic carry out the fogging operation. This is a potentially very dangerous procedure that should not be attempted by a novice.

Haul your boat out and check the bottom and drives are not clogged with grass or barnacle growth that could prevent smooth running. Use a pressure washer to get rid of any debris.

With the boat back in the water, run the engines using a fresh water flushing system for at least 15 minutes each engine to clean them out, and listen for any unusual noises which might indicate problems. A common issue to listen out for is a slight tapping sound. This could indicate that rusty water has entered the cylinders which will eventually cause the engine to seize if not corrected. 

Once the engines have been flushed through, it's a good idea to run some antifreeze through the system too. Use the water pump in the drive unit to suck the antifreeze out of a bucket. A lack of suction could indicate a problem with the hose, the water pump or the flushett. If the pump is not working properly, it could cause the engine to overheat, and this means expensive damage. Always dispose of antifreeze responsibly as per the manufacturer's guidelines on the packaging.

Now drain the exhaust manifolds. Remove the petcocks or brass plugs as well as the large water hose in the front of the engine. Spray the entire engine with a thorough coat of anti-corrosion spray, avoiding the belts and plug-wires. Remove the battery. Charge it up fully and put it away somewhere well-ventilated and dry. Take out the drain plug, remove the speedometer tube and get rid of any residual water by blowing through the tubing.

Change the outdrive lube with a manufacturer's recommended lubricant product. If you spot any water in the old drive oil, the outdrive needs servicing. Don't ignore this or some of the parts will rust and you'll end up with an expensive repair bill.

Remove the prop and thoroughly grease the propshaft. Grease the steering system and the transom fittings. Always store the drive in the down position to prevent distortion of the U-joint bellows. Drain all pipes and hoses and empty out any inboarders or sea-stainers you have.

It's well-worth taking a weekend out at the end of the autumn to prepare your boat and your Mercruiser for its winter lay-off. Much of the work you can do yourself, but always seek the advice of an experienced Mercruiser mechanic or supplier like Aquasports Marine if you are unsure of what to do or think there may be a mechanical problem.


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Improving Your Automobile

Yo! I would like to offer you a warm welcome to my blog. My name is Lauren and I would like to dedicate this blog to useful information about improving your automobile. When I was growing up, I always dreamed of owning my own car and driving around the city. However, when the day came to purchase my first car, I realised just how expensive a new auto can be! I bought a second-hand car and then set about working on it to improve how it. I taught myself how to change the oil and tune the engine. I also accessorised the car so it looks great. I hope you enjoy my blog.
