Improving Your Automobile

Improving Your Automobile

Safety And Convenience Features To Look For In Modern Compact Vehicles

Addison Morris

When buying a car, safety and convenience are among the top features that you must consider. As opposed to times past, when manufacturers used to dictate what features to include and what to leave out, buyer expectations are now more apparent than ever. Safety features can be grouped into two main categories: active and passive. Active features are designed to help prevent accidents while passive features are designed to limits the effects of a collision. This article looks at some of the convenience and safety features that will add value to your auto purchase.

Electronic Stability System

When driving at high speeds or on slippery roads, chances of skidding and rolling are very high. To prevent this, most modern compact vehicles are designed with an electronic stability system. This system monitors traction and braking as well as the yaw and direction of the vehicle relative to the driver's intended direction. When the predicted course varies from the actual course, the system steps in to prevent a total loss of control.

Lower Anchors And Tethers For Children

This feature makes it easy for you to attach an infant or toddler's seat by simply clipping its tethers to a latch which is embedded between the back cushion and the seat. This is a helpful feature, particularly for parents who have to frequently move the car seats of their children from one vehicle to the next.

Anti-Lock Braking Systems

This type of braking system prevents the brakes from locking up, especially in snowy or wet road conditions. The convenience that they come with enables you to simply apply pressure to your brakes without having to worry whether they will lock up. This is because the braking at each wheel is monitored by sensors which send information to an onboard computer. By comparing the speed of the wheels, the computer can determine whether one wheel is likely to lock up when braking.

Passenger Air Bags That Can Be Turned Off

Passenger side air bags that can be turned off and on are convenient especially for children who may want to sit in the front seat or in cases where you want more seating space. The blend of flexibility, convenience and safety that these air bags give you makes the car comfortable to drive in.

In addition to the above features, you may also want a car with a keyless entry so that you do not have to be worried about locking or leaving your keys in the car. For more information, visit a car dealer like Hyundai-Adrian Brien.


2017© Improving Your Automobile
About Me
Improving Your Automobile

Yo! I would like to offer you a warm welcome to my blog. My name is Lauren and I would like to dedicate this blog to useful information about improving your automobile. When I was growing up, I always dreamed of owning my own car and driving around the city. However, when the day came to purchase my first car, I realised just how expensive a new auto can be! I bought a second-hand car and then set about working on it to improve how it. I taught myself how to change the oil and tune the engine. I also accessorised the car so it looks great. I hope you enjoy my blog.
